CFP: /Philosophies/ Special Issue: Current French Philosophy in Difficult Times

Submission deadline: January 20, 2022

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Dear Colleagues,

As philosophers engaged with current French philosophy, we are profoundly aware of the difficult times in which we live. This is also because of the pandemic and its new and dangerous variants. Given the general feeling of crisis, many pre-existing issues have gained new prominence. This includes rising populism and nationalism, looming environmental catastrophe, forced migration and its limitations, the spread of disinformation and accompanying paranoia, limitations on freedom of thought and speech, and the tenuous position in society of thought in general and philosophy in particular. Additionally, we are concerned about the general disregard for anything new, as well as the ensuing hesitation to posit new structures and ideas, and to examine previously neglected methods and subjects in philosophy. If we are situated between the static order of the past and the seeming chaos of the future, the question will be, “How can we embrace complexity?”, that is, “How can we, without falling into chaos, make use of its resources to allow for the emergence of new ideas capable of taking measure of these difficult times?”. Therefore, this Issue does not seek to replicate standard readings of contemporary French philosophy as presented by often cited primary and secondary sources. Instead, it seeks innovative approaches to current French philosophy from creative and imaginative scholars who wish to show what is possible in these difficult times.

Prof. Dr. Dorothea Olkowski
Dr. Michael Eng
Guest Editors


  • subjectivization
  • affective life
  • aesthetics
  • language
  • race
  • gender
  • social practices
  • cognition
  • complexity

Please contact Guest Editor Prof. Dr. Dorothea Olkowski, Dr. Michael Eng, or Special Issue Editor Viktor Ćirković at [email protected] for further information.

Philosophies (ISSN 2409-9287, is an international peer-reviewed open access journal. The journal has recently been indexed into Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) in Web of Science.

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