Mentoring Relationships

April 16, 2021
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago

601 S Morgan Street
Chicago 60607
United States

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities


  • Philosophy department


University of Arizona
University of Illinois


University of Illinois, Chicago
Grand Valley State University

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This is the our last workshop out of a series of three. The program (with abstract) and the flyer are attached. (If you have registered before for a previous workshop, you do not need to register again.)

Please join us at this last workshop to explore the concept of epistemic diversity.

Epistemic diversity is diversification concerning cognitive characteristics, such as personality, educational background, representation of and solutions to problems, and more. The workshops have been recorded and will take place on these dates from 3:30 pm to ~5:15 pm (Central Time):

 (1) 02/12/2021 [See recording here:] What is Epistemic Diversity? - Speakers: Dr. Sina Fazelpour (Carnegie Mellon University) and Prof. Daniel Steel (U of British Columbia)

(2) 03/10/2021, [See recording here] Collaborating and Strategizing as a Minority - Speaker: Prof. Hannah Rubin (U of Notre Dame)

(3) 04/16/2021, Mentoring Relationships - Speakers: Justin Bruner (U of Arizona) and Prof. Denise Loyd (U of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign)

We encourage anyone interested in epistemic diversity to participate.

The event will take place on Zoom.

To register and receive the zoom link please follow this link:

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This is a student event (e.g. a graduate conference).




April 14, 2021, 12:00pm CST

External Site

Who is attending?

1 person is attending:

University of Illinois, Chicago

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RSVPing on PhilEvents is not sufficient to register for this event.