CFP: Teoria: Rethinking ‘Nature’
Submission deadline: March 31, 2013
Topic areas
«Teoria», 1/2014 Ripensare la ‘natura’/ Rethinking ‘Nature’
Guest Editor: Flavia Monceri
Call for papers:
The notion of nature is one of the most recurring, and perhaps questioned notions, in Western philosophy and the social sciences. Although its definition was never obvious, nature currently seems in need of a more radical rethinking, also due to the increasing relevance of researchfields that compel to its revision. This is just the goal of the present issue of «Teoria», by means of collecting contribution coming not only from philosophical but also social, psychological, literary and artistic sciences, at the aim to provide a reconstruction of the state of the art about the current definitions of nature and their implication for the concrete practices, which explicitly or implicitlyrefer to it. But there is a further goal: to let a number of hints emerge to correct, modify or even replace current definitions and understandings of nature with more adequate ones to constitute an effective reference forthe problems of our time. Contribution may be submitted, among others, on the following issues, which are non-exhaustively listed:
- The notion of nature
- Representations of nature
- Nature and culture, nature/nurture
- Nature, environment, human being
- Nature and biotechnologies
- Nature and human bodies
- Nature and cultural context(s)
- Nature and transcendence
- Nature, power and politics
- ‘Real’ and ‘virtual’ nature
Alongside some invited contributions, some others will be selected among the submitted ones.Prospectiveauthors should send an abstract (max 1000 words) to the following e-mail addresses by 31th March 2013:[email protected], [email protected] (Prof. Adriano Fabris) [email protected] (Prof. Flavia Monceri) with the indication “Teoria-Rethinking Nature” in the subject heading.Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and the acceptance or refusal of the submission will be notified by 30th April 2013. The Editorial board reserves the faculty not to accept the final drafts that do not correspond to submitted abstracts, or do not pass the further selection process to which final drafts will be submitted. Moreover, the Editorial board reserves the faculty to ask the Authors to revise their contributions to fit them to the referees’ evaluations and/or editorial standards. Abstracts and contributions can be submitted both in Italian and in English. The final draft must be submitted by 30th October 2013, to undergo the further selection process: the definitive answer on acceptance and eventual requested revisions will be given by 15th/11/2013. The accepted contribution, including the eventual revisions,must be submitted by 30th November 2013. Authors are requested to follow the style guidelines of «Teoria», which are available on its website (; contributionsshould be between7000-8000 words long.