CFP: Special Issue of Analecta Hermeneutica Volume XIV (2022) [Extended Deadline!]

Submission deadline: October 15, 2021

Topic areas


Special Issue Analectica Hermeneutica Volume XIV (2022): "You Must Change Your Life!: Hermeneutics as Living Demand"

Fundamental to hermeneutics is the idea that experiences of artworks, texts, and traditions inform and shape our being in the world, and that such experiences have aesthetic, ethical, and pedagogical impacts. If understanding requires openness to what remains to be said and the voice of the other, and if interpretation requires cultivation and formation, then hermeneutics is also an ethical and political project. Interpretation and understanding are not merely behaviors, but creative modes of existence. Moreover, aesthetic and poetic experience, as Rilke’s injunction would suggest, seem to have a unique relation to the development of our being in the world.

Volume XIV of Analetica Hermeneutica, the official peer-reviewed journal of the International Institute for Hermeneutics, invites submissions that continue these lines of thought, but especially those that open new directions by considering the impact of alternative ways of seeing on the hermeneutical tradition.

Questions for consideration include:

  • How do art and poetry relate to ethical formation?
  • What are the relations between art and freedom?
  • Do our experiences of everyday aesthetics and nature offer similar possibilities for transformation and cultivation?
  • What are the implications of hermeneutic education for education more broadly?
  • What is the relation of poetics to politics?
  • As attuned to tradition, what resources does hermeneutics have for opening new futures?
  • What are the consequences of a hermeneutical tradition that has concerned itself primarily with the impact of both classically western works of art, poetry, painting and music as well as traditional ways of understanding those works?How do art and poetry relate to ethical formation?

While the roots for such considerations can be found in the work of the widely recognized figures of hermeneutical thinking, we invite submissions that draw connections with new figures or multiple traditions not typically thought within the tradition of philosophical hermeneutics. We are especially interested in exploring the ways alternative traditions and ways of seeing tradition can influence our ethical, poetic, and political understanding. We encourage submissions on all of these topics to consider the effect new figures, alternative traditions, and critical re-evaluations might have for hermeneutics and for our own formation.


DEADLINE: 15 September 2021 [Extended Deadline 15 October 2021]

SEND SUBMISSIONS TO [email protected]

Please use “Analecta Hermeneutica Submission” as the subject of the email.

All manuscript submissions should be written in English. Manuscripts should be anonymized for peer review, prepared in Microsoft Word using a 12-point common font, double-spaced, and between 6,000 and 9,000 words (inclusive of footnotes). Analecta Hermeneutica follows the Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.); all citations should appear as footnotes. Long or explanatory notes should be kept to a minimum and every effort should be made to include substantial comments in the main body of the manuscript.


In keeping with the journal’s current practice, submissions will undergo rigorous peer review, including screening by the editors and review by at least two anonymous referees.


We also seek book reviews of 1,000–1,500 words on topics of interest to the journal. Books appropriate for review should have been published within the last 3 years and be relevant to the philosophical scope and mission of the journal.

Requests for review copies may be addressed to Andrej Božič, PhD: [email protected]

Please use “Analecta Hermeneutica Reviews” as the subject of your email.

Inquiries about this volume of Analecta Hermeneutica should include “Analecta Hermeneutica Queries” as the subject of the email and can be directed to

Catherine Homan, PhD

Guest Editor

[email protected]


Ramsey Eric Ramsey, PhD


[email protected]

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