Royal Institute of Philosophy Annual Conference: Meaning in Life and the Knowledge of Death

July 13, 2021 - July 15, 2021

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  • Royal Institute of Philosophy


University of Bristol
Loyola University, New Orleans
University of Edinburgh
University of Liverpool
University of Liverpool
University of Oxford
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
University of Helsinki
University of Exeter
University of Liverpool
Cornell University (PhD)
LMU Munich
Universität Hamburg
University of Liverpool


University of Liverpool

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This conference will explore the relation between our mortality (and the knowledge thereof) and our experience of meaningfulness (and meaninglessness), with particular focus on the question whether death undercuts meaning in life, as some life extensionists proclaim, or whether, on the contrary, meaning depends on our mortality.

The aim of this event is to increase our understanding of a) what meaning in life is: how it is to be understood, what its constituents are, and how it can be properly distinguished from other features that are commonly thought to be required for a good life, such as happiness, b) in what way, if any, mortality can be said to be detrimental to a life’s meaningfulness and what follows from this for the desirability of radical life extension and other (limit-removing) alterations of the present human condition, and c) in what way, if any, death and mortality can be said to be requisites or at least constituents of a meaningful life.

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July 12, 2021, 4:00pm BST

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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

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