How Could Truth Possibly Be Plural?

June 18, 2021 - June 19, 2021

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Utica College
University College London
University of Leeds
Nottingham University
University of Toronto, St. George Campus
University of Alabama
University of Stirling


University of Chicago
University of St. Andrews

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It has been nearly thirty years since Crispin Wright’s Truth and Objectivity was published, and in these thirty years alethic pluralism has established itself as a strong contender in the current debate on truth. Yet, while various intricate versions of alethic pluralism have been developed over the years, many philosophers are still hesitant to buy into the very idea that truth is plural.
Our conference, “How Could Truth Possibly Be Plural?”, offers the alethic pluralist the opportunity to face their critics and defend their views.

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June 17, 2021, 11:45pm BST

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University of St. Andrews

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University of Leeds

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