CFP: Public Philosophy Network Group Session (APA Central Division)
Submission deadline: July 15, 2021
Conference date(s):
February 23, 2022 - February 26, 2022
Conference Venue:
Public Philosophy Network
United States
Topic areas
The Public Philosophy Network invites submission of abstracts for papers or projects on publicly engaged philosophy for a group session at the 2022 APA Central Division meeting on February 23-26, 2022 in Chicago.
PPN invites submissions from people working outside and inside the academy whose work relates to understanding and advancing public philosophy. Topics might include (but need not be limited to) those that:
- expand the public forum for philosophy;
- engage a variety of different publics;
- initiate from activist or community-organizing traditions;
- demonstrate the value of philosophy to public policy;
- develop skills needed to engage in public philosophy;
- evaluate and measure the impact of public philosophy;
- bridge classroom teaching and public philosophy activities
You do not need to be a PPN member to submit a proposal. All presenters and commentators in the PPN group session must register for the Central APA. Limited PPN funding to defray the costs of APA conference registration is available by application for graduate students, unemployed, and precariously employed presenters and commentators.
Abstracts (approximately 500 words, prepared for anonymous review) should be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format to Ben Almassi at [email protected]. Please include "PPN / APA Central 2022" in the subject line. The deadline for submission is July 15, 2021. Any questions about this group meeting or PPN generally can be directed to Ben Almassi at the above address. Additional information about PPN can be found on our website: