CFP: Special issue on Instructions ("Technology and Language")
Submission deadline: February 22, 2022
Topic areas
Technology and Language is a new peer-reviewed, open-access, professionally produced online journal. The manifold relations of technology and language are subject from the point of view of history, linguistics, cultural studies, anthropology, philosophy, literary and media studies.
Chief science editor: Alfred Nordmann (Institut für Philosophie, Technische Universität Darmstadt)
This is a call for papers for the special theme of the 2022-issue of Technology and Language.
(Deadline: Febrary 22nd, 2022)
Do technical processes unfold as instructed in that they execute a program or in that their parts perform prescribed motions? But what is a program anyhow, be it a computer program or the program of a musical concert or wedding - or is the notion of ‚instruction‘ too narrow here? Should the blueprint for a device be compared to the notation of a famous dance choreography? Inversely, do technologies instruct the behavior of users in that they establish a script which users need to follow if they want to reap the benefits of technology? - And what is instruction in the first place: Does the case, for example, of language instruction follow a technical paradigm as well? The June 2022 special issue of „Technology and Language“ will be dedicated to these questions (Guest editors: Jens Geisse and Marcel Siegler)
Contributed papers on any topic within the scope of the journal are also welcome.
Queries, suggestions, and submissions can be addressed at any time to [email protected] or to Daria Bylieva [email protected]
Custom tags:
#Technology, #Language, #Program, #Instructions