CFP: Embodiment and Race Conference II
Submission deadline: August 31, 2021
Topic areas
The conference on Embodiment and Race is a two-day interdisciplinary conference that will explore the issues of race and embodiment from the perspectives of critical-race theory and phenomenology. The aim of the conference is to open a space for academics and the local community where we can extend and deepen our understanding of recent debates on race, racialization, and being an embodied agent of a minority group.
This conference will bring together academics who work on race and embodiment to share their studies and discuss different approaches to these issues. We will explore the issues of philosophy of racism and racial embodiment focusing on questions: What role does embodiment play in the experience of racism and/or racial harm? How do various social policies benefit or burden people classified as being a given race? Does racism harm the racist as well as the victim?
We plan to publish a selection of the We plan to publish a selection of the conference papers in the conference proceedings.
Possible topics may include:
· Phenomenological perspectives on embodiment
· Embodiment and Racism
· Race, racism, racialization
· Language and Race
· Colonialism and Race
· Embodiment and Identity
· Embodied experience and the political
We welcome all submissions on these topics. We particularly encourage interdisciplinary submissions, submissions from underrepresented areas of philosophy, and submissions from members of underrepresented groups.
Submission Guidelines:
· Deadline Aug 31, 2021
· Submissions must be long abstracts (800-1200 words in length) presenting the main claims of the paper, and arguments in favor of them sent to Edyta Kuzian ([email protected]).
· Please submit a separate cover sheet that includes your name, contact information, institutional affiliation, and keywords and relevant area(s) of research
Panel submissions
· If you wish to propose a panel, please email Edyta Kuzian ([email protected]) by August 31, 2021 with details of your panel (panel title, list of speakers, titles of their papers with abstracts, and a brief description of the panel).