The good, the true, and the beautiful: XXV. Congress of the German Society for Philosophy

September 5, 2021 - September 9, 2021

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Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

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Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg cordially invites you to the main congress of the German Society for Philosophy. This year, it is held ONLINE and registration is free of charge. Many talks and discussions will be in English.

In 16 colloquia, about 50 internationally renowned experts will elaborate on the systematic and historical aspects of the congress topic. There will be 36 sessions comprising about 250 talks on all philosophical disciplines and epochs. Three fora will discuss social and political topics relevant to academic philosophy. The programme will be rounded off by an opening event (with a panel discussion on the future of democracy and an opening lecture by Simon Blackburn, Cambridge), a philosophical photo exhibition and a closing lecture by Dina Emundts (Berlin). After the congress on Friday, 10 September, there will be an online conference for philosophy students. For more information about the programme, and to register, please visit

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September 9, 2021, 11:00pm CET

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