CFP: West Chester University of Pennsylvania Graduate Philosophy Conference

Submission deadline: April 20, 2013

Conference date(s):
April 20, 2013

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy, West Chester University Philosophy Graduate Student Association
West Chester, United States


  • Graduate Students may submit papers on any philosophical topic, with preference given to those concerning the work of Søren Kierkegaard
  • Papers should be a maximum of 4,000 words (for a thirty-minute presentation)
  • Paper format: 12-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins
  • Students may submit more than one paper for consideration
  • Please prepare for blind review: remove all contact information and identifying marks from the body of the paper
  • Please create a cover sheet and submit it, with your finished paper, to [email protected] by March 22, 2013 (if submitting more than one paper, please include additional cover sheets for each paper)
  • Your cover sheet must include the following: Name, Email, Phone, Institution, Title of Submission, and a 3-5 sentence Abstract
  • Notification will occur by April 5

Supporting material

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#Pennsylvania, #Graduate, #Kierkegaard, #CFP, #