Geo-aesthetics Conference

March 18, 2022 - March 19, 2022
Philosophy and Religious Studies Department,, Towson University

8000 York Road
Towson 21252
United States


Towson University

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Theme:Affecting Presence in the World of Aesthetics.

Imagine a world of aesthetics without objects. In such a world, there would be no subjects.This world would be other than the familiar everyday word of subjects and objects. What would be palpable in such a world would be affective presences, each of which is what it is in rerlation to other affecting presences. Such presences are ecstatic and thus, offer limitless potential in ntheir experiential influence The conference is intended to be a gathering of individuals who seek to share their experiences.

Abstracts are invited from any academic discipline and from non-academic areas. Submissions from performing and non-performing artis, philosophers. poets, writers, and applied aestheticians are welcome.

Send abstracts of no less than 200 words to Murungi at [email protected]. The deadline for submission is January 15, 2022.

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February 15, 2022, 9:00am EST

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