CFP: The Last Chapter

Submission deadline: May 1, 2013

Conference date(s):
October 3, 2013 - October 5, 2013

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Lehigh University
Bethlehem, United States


Contact: [email protected]

The Lehigh University Philosophy Department invites submissions for our first annual philosophy conference.  Submissions should address one of two dimensions of the conference theme: either aspects of the often under-read or overlooked final chapters, sections, or moments of philosophical texts, or philosophy's relation to the idea of its own "final chapter" or of that of some other domain.

Topics for submissions focusing on the theme’s first dimension—texts-- include, but are not limited to:  How do the text's concluding thoughts stand in relation to the remainder of the work? How do they inform or deform the coherence of the philosophical project at hand?  How does one properly end a philosophical work? Is it important to attend to the last chapter? Papers may treat specific texts or specific oeuvres: e.g., theCritique of Pure Reason or Kant's oeuvre, Tractatus 7 or Wittgenstein's oeuvre, Leviathan or Hobbes’s oeuvre.  Submissions are welcome on any period of philosophy or employing any method of following philosophical inspiration.  

Papers focusing on the second theme dimension might address such questions as these: Does or should philosophy see itself as aiming for a concluding chapter or as eventually reaching an end?  Is our enterprise necessarily interminable? If not a conclusion, what other ends, if any, does or should philosophy seek? How does or might philosophy distinctively address the end(s) or endings in other disciplines or domains of life?

Submission deadline:
May 1, 2013

notification by June 15, 2013

Electronic submission of detailed abstracts (750-1000 words) should be in MSWord or pdf format.  Reading time for presented papers is 30 minutes.

Send abstracts as attachments to [email protected] with “conference submission” as the subject.Please include in body of e-mail your name, paper title, institutional affiliation, and contact information.

Supporting material

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