Research seminar of the Department for Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bucharest
Splaiul Independenței 204
Bucharest 060024
Talks at this conference
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We're delighted to invite you to the research seminar of the Department of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Bucharest. Talks recur weekly, as follows:
Fall 2021:
13 October Michele Friend (George Washington University & UCCS, Université de Lille Nord-Europe)
18 October Mona Simion (University of Glasgow)
25 October Ana-Maria Creţu (University of Bristol)
3 November Derek Lam (University of Wisconsin at Whitewater)
15 November Barbu Revencu (Central European University)
22 November Dana Jalobeanu (University of Bucharest)
29 November David Kovacs (Tel Aviv University)
13 December Henk de Regt (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
20 December Richard David-Rus (Romanian Academy)
12 January Lavinia Marin (Delft University of Technology)
17 January Bogdan Dumitrescu (University of Bucharest)
Spring 2022:
21 February Sorin Bangu (University of Bergen)
28 February Monica Solomon (Bilkent University)
21 March Tadeusz Ciecierski (University of Warsaw)
28 March Hasok Chang (University of Cambridge)
4 April Gheorghe Ștefanov (University of Bucharest)
11 April Nicholas Rimell (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
11 May Theodore Arabatzis (Kapodistrian University)
18 May Petriṣor Ivan (University of Bucharest)
23 May Alexandru Dragomir (University of Bucharest)
30 May Marian Călborean (University of Bucharest)
6 June Micah Pimaro Thomas, Jr. (University of Calabar & University of Bucharest)
14 June ICUB Workshop: Torrance Fung (Old Dominion University), Paula Tomi (Polytechnic University Bucharest), Radu Tulai (University of Bucharest), Bogdan Oprea (independent researcher), Wenqi Zong (North University of China):
27 June Mihnea Dobre (University of Bucharest), Timothy Lyons (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis)
The events will be held in English, virtually, via Zoom. If you would like to receive the connection details, please do not hesitate to let Andrei know at [email protected]
For those of you who would like to join some of the meetings but have overlapping commitments, we will do our best to record the meetings whenever everyone in attendance consents to it, and to then upload the recordings on the Department's YouTube channel. Previous talks are available here:
The seminar is organized jointly with CELFIS (Centrul de Logică, Filosofie şi Istorie a Ştiinţei) at the University of Bucharest. Organizing the seminar is made possible by a postdoctoral grant from UEFISCDI for a project hosted by ICUB-Humanities (Institutul de Cercetări, Secţia Ştiinţe Umaniste), project number PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-0535.
Stay tuned, as there will be weekly announcements concerning the titles and abstracts of upcoming talks on the Facebook page titled "Seminarul Departamentului de Filosofie Teoretica UniBuc".
June 13, 2022, 9:00am EET
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