CFP: Now, Exaiphnês, and the Present Moment in Ancient Philosophy
Submission deadline: January 3, 2022
Conference date(s):
March 24, 2022 - March 25, 2022
Conference Venue:
Department of Philosophy II, Ruhr Universität Bochum
Topic areas
The experience of time is among the most fundamental features of human existence. The present thereby serves as a basis by means of which we can make sense of both past and future; thus our experience of the present, which we capture in notions like “the now”, “the instant of time”, or “the present moment”, is of special concern. The problem of the present moment remains a source of lively philosophical debate and the ancient ideas are still a constitutive part of it, which is the motivation for organizing the conference “Now, Exaiphnes and the Present Moment in Ancient Philosophy”. The conference will bring together an international group of leading scholars working on these problems in different authors and traditions. Among the confirmed speakers are Ursula Coope (Oxford), Salvatore Lavecchia (Udine), Walter Mesch (Münster), Alex Pleshkov (Moscow), Spyridon Rangos (Patras), Mark Sentesy (Penn State), and Niko Strobach (Münster).
We are pleased to invite two to three speakers through this call for papers.
At the moment we hope the conference to take place in person, but are planning for a hybrid format as well. We expect the papers to be submitted to be about 30-45 minutes; each session will last an hour for the presentation and discussion combined. We will cover travel within Eu-rope and accommodation.
Instructions for the submission of papers:
- Submit either full papers or extended abstracts of 1000-1500 words.
- Papers can be submitted in English or German.
- Remove any identifying information on the abstract and include a separate document with your name, email, and affiliation.
- Abstracts should be sent as pdf documents to Celso Vieira ([email protected]).
- The subject of the email should be “Submission - Now Conference”. The title of the iden-tification document should be the author’s name
- The submission deadline is January 03, 2022.
- Notification of acceptance will be at the beginning of February.
For more information please email Celso Vieira at [email protected].
The event was made possible through a grant from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.