"Duties of Justice and the Limits of Free-Speech" - Gehan Gunatilleke (Oxford)
Lucas Miotto (University of Maastricht), Lucas Miotto

December 2, 2021, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
University of Maastricht


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You are warmly invited to join our Maastrict Law and Philosophy seminar with Gehan Gunatilleke, who will present and discuss his work-in-progress titled “Duties of Justice and the Limits of Free Speech”. 

This event is part of the Maastricht Law and Philosophy Seminar Series (2021-22 edition). For more information on our series, please visit the following website: https://mlp2platform.wordpress.com/2021/07/20/mlp²-online-seminar-series/ 

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December 2, 2021, 5:45pm CET

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