2021 Workshop of the Canadian Society for Epistemology
room C-2059
Université de Montréal, Carrefour des Arts et Sciences, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, 3150 rue Jean-Brillant, room C-2059
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Over the last 150 years or so logicians have developed an astonishing variety of logical theories. This has led philosophers to ask whether only one or several of these theories can be correct, and how we should choose the theory or theories that we accept. Recently, anti-exceptionalists, most prominently Ole Hjortland, have argued that Quine was correct in holding that theory choice in logic should and does happen in a way that is broadly similar to theory choice in the sciences. Exceptionalists about logic, such as Carnap or Gödel, reject this idea and hold that theory choice in logic is special as compared to theory choice in the sciences. Moreover, the anti-exceptionalism may also come under pressure from the history of logic and mathematics, as we may wonder whether the actual history of the discipline fits with the picture that anti-exceptionalists have put forward. The workshop will revolve around these complex questions and issues.
The languages of the symposium are English and French.
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