Interdisciplinary Research in Logic

December 3, 2021
Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen

Østre Skostredet 5, 5017 Bergen


University of Bergen



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About the workshop

The Bergen Logic Group cordially invites you to join the one-day workshop Interdisciplinary Research in Logic, where we will bring together researchers from different departments at UiB that are working on various topics, in areas such as philosophy, informatics and information science, with a broad conception of logic at the nexus.

Everyone is free to join the workshop entirely or partially. If you intend to attend, please send an e-mail to the organizer at [email protected]. Coffee and lunch will be provided.

Program (preliminary)

  • 09:00–09:30  ⊕  Opening by Leon Commandeur
  • 09:30–10:15  ⊕  Håkon Robbestad Gylterud, Informatics
  • 10:15–11:00  ⊕  Thomas Ågotnes, Information and Media Studies
  • 11:00–11:15  ⊗  Break
  • 11:15–12:00  ⊕  Michal Walicki, Informatics
  • 12:00–12:45  ⊕  Tore Fjetland Øgaard, Philosophy
  • 12:45–13:15  ⊗  Lunch
  • 13:15–14:00  ⊕  Uwe Egbert Wolter, Informatics
  • 14:00–14:45  ⊕  Mina Young Pedersen, Information and Media Studies
  • 14:45–15:00  ⊗  Break
  • 15:00–15:45  ⊕  Mikhail Barash, Informatics
  • 15:45–16:30  ⊕  Ben Martin, Philosophy
  • 16:30–17:00  ⊕  Concluding remarks

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December 2, 2021, 2:00pm CET

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