Agency, Bodily Perception, and the Self

May 26, 2022 - May 27, 2022
ERC funded project Rethinking Conscious Agency (ReConAg 757698)


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  • Logos Research Group in Analytic Philosophy
  • Universitat de Barcelona


Universitat de Valencia

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The body, and the states by which we perceive the body ‘from the inside’, are tied to action in a very intimate way. This workshop aims to cover various aspects of the overlap between bodily perception and bodily action, and to discuss the impact of this overlap for our first-personal notion of ourselves as embodied agents.

We will have talks by Frédérique de Vignemont, Matthew Fulkerson, Tom Schoonen, Tony Cheng, Thor Grünbaum, Peter Brössel & Eline Kuipers, Błażej Skrzypulec, Ashley Shaw, and Sabrina Coninx. To check the full schedule and abstracts of the talks, please visit our website (see below)

The workshop will take place both physically, in Barcelona, and online. Attendance is free in both modalities. However, if you intend to attend, please let us know, so that we can count you in for organizational purposes or send you the link to the virtual room in due time.

For inquiries and registration, please write to [email protected]

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May 25, 2022, 12:00am CET

Who is attending?

2 people are attending:

Beijing Normal University
Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad

2 people may be attending:

Universidad Autónoma Del Estado de Morelos
University College Dublin

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