Normativity without Representation

February 25, 2022
School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds

St George's Centre, 60 Great George Street
Leeds LS1 3DL
United Kingdom


  • British Academy


Trinity College, Dublin
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

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The goal is to bring together researchers working on broadly "anti-representationalist" approaches to metanormative theory, such as expressivism, pragmatism, inferential/conceptual role semantics, truth pluralism, and - arguably - quietism and relaxed realism.  This will provide an exciting opportunity to explore the relationships between these views, what the scope of anti-representationalism is or should be (e.g., does it include aesthetics, epistemology, semantics - or everything?), and where anti-representationalism stands with regards to realism and anti-realism.

Provisional schedule:

09:30-10:00 - Coffee

10:00-11:30 - Graham Bex-Priestley, "Is expressivism a semantic or metasemantic theory? No!"

11:45-13:15 - Rachel Handley, "Ideal quasi-realism"

13:15-14:15 - Lunch

14:15-15:45 - Christine Tiefensee, title tbd

16:00-17:30 - Sebastian Köhler, "Functions for expressivists"

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February 25, 2022, 9:30am BST

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