Thomas Kuhn's Philosophy of Science: In Honour of the 100th Year of His Birth

June 1, 2022 - June 2, 2022
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies

Aarhus 8000


University of Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen
Universität Hannover
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Universidad de Zaragoza
University of Münster
University of Toronto, St. George Campus
Aarhus University


Aarhus University

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The conference will honour the 100th year of Thomas Kuhn’s birth, and the 60th anniversary of the publication of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.  Kuhn’s book has had a profound influence on the history, sociology and philosophy of science, and has sold more than 1.2 million copies.  Though best known for popularizing the notion of “paradigm change”, many aspects of the book continue to have an impact on our contemporary understanding of science.

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May 25, 2022, 12:00am CET

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National Autonomous University of Mexico

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