The Nature of Entropy - Arrow of Time

August 1, 2022 - August 6, 2022
LMU Munich

Georg-von-Vollmar Academy
Kochel 82431

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities


  • Volkswagen Foundation


Columbia University
LMU Munich
Columbia University
New York University


University of Lausanne
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology

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Why is there an arrow of time in a universe guided, on the fundamental level, by time-symmetric microscopic laws? What role does entropy play in explaining the difference between past and future? Is the passage of time real or just a stubborn illusion?   The interdisciplinary summer school wants to tackle these questions head-on. By bringing together young researchers, graduate students, and internationally acclaimed experts working on statistical mechanics, quantum foundations, and the philosophy of science, we will investigate the nature of time in light of modern physics and clarify its relation to entropy. 

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March 15, 2022, 9:00am CET

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Rutgers University - New Brunswick

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