Fourth PhiGS Graduate Colloquium

June 20, 2022 - June 21, 2022
University of Kent at Canterbury

University of Kent
United Kingdom

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Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
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University of Kent

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Kent PhiGS is pleased to announce its Fourth Annual Graduate Colloquium, to take place on 20–21 June 2022 at the University of Kent, and online.

Kent PhiGS is the philosophy graduate society at the University of Kent at Canterbury. Events are organised by and for philosophy graduates, including regular research seminars and an annual Colloquium.

The PhiGS Colloquium aims to promote discussion among graduate researchers working in the same general areas as us at Kent, where we have a wide range of topics of inquiry. Such diversity promotes the advancement of inquiry through cross-pollination between fields, and the Colloquium seeks to facilitate such fruitful encounters.

The Colloquium will be a hybrid event – with all talks available in-person and online – to optimise flexibility for all participants. The Colloquium is free for all participants, speakers and other attendees alike. We intend to provide light refreshments and lunch for all in-person speakers and attendees, as well as a wine reception at the end of the first day.

The full programme can be found at and the abstracts are at

Registration is now open. If you wish to attend, please contact Vittorio Serra on [email protected] stating whether you wish to participate in-person or online and, if in-person, whether you wish to join the conference dinner after the wine reception at the end of the first day (extra cost, about £20–25). There are limited spaces for in-person attendance, while there is more space online. The deadlines for registration are 20 May 2022 for in-person, and 13 June 2022 for online.

The organiser would like to thank everyone who helped make this event possible, in particular: David Corfield, Graeme A. Forbes, Yafeng Shan, Taymaz Azimi, Elliot Porter and Hugh Robertson-Ritchie.

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June 13, 2022, 6:00pm BST

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