CFP: Rotman Graduate Student Conference: Models and Idealizations

Submission deadline: February 18, 2022

Conference date(s):
May 12, 2022 - May 13, 2022

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Department of Philosophy and Rotman Institute of Philosophy, Western University
London, Canada

Topic areas


Call for Papers: The theme of this year’s conference is “Models and Idealizations”, and will

focus on metaphysical, epistemological, and conceptual aspects regarding the use of models

and idealizations in the sciences. We encourage graduate students to submit original papers

that address important problems or are motivated by questions concerning models and

idealizations, broadly construed.

Submission Guidelines:

● Submissions are accepted through:

● Maximum 5000 words, including footnotes and appendices (but not references). If the

paper includes tables, figures, or equations, an appropriate number of words should be

subtracted from the limit.

● Papers should be accompanied by an abstract that is no longer than 300 words.

● Papers are to be prepared for anonymous review (meaning your name should not appear

within the paper).

Deadline: Friday Feb 18th, 2022

Accepted Papers: Each presenter will be allocated an hour-long time slot; presentations

should be approximately 30 minutes long with 30 minutes for a Q&A period

Examples of topics may include but are not limited to:

● Conceptual engineering as it relates to models, simulations, and idealizations in the

sciences and social sciences.

● Methodological implications of idealized models.

● The role of idealizations in the explanation of the behavior of complex systems.

● The classification of scientific idealizations.

Additional information can be found on our website:

Please send any questions to the RGSC Committee: [email protected]

Supporting material

Add supporting material (slides, programs, etc.)