CFP: Synthese Topical Collection on "Epistemic Vices: From the Individual to the Collective"

Submission deadline: August 31, 2022


Call for Papers: Epistemic Vices: From the Individual to the Collective

Deadline: 31st August 2022

Guest Editors: Robin McKenna (University of Liverpool) and Ian James Kidd (University of Nottingham)

Topical Collection Description: A central theme of contemporary vice epistemology concerns the individual and the collective levels of epistemic life. A main message of social epistemology is that our epistemic agency is scaffolded by social and collective structures and practices. This means we need to investigate the collective dimensions of epistemic vice. There are several points of contact. Individual epistemic vices have collective effects. Individual epistemic vices can develop in relation to collective norms and structures. Certain epistemic vices may be manifested by collectives—and so on. A main aim of this Topical Collection is to explore these and many other issues about the collective dimensions of epistemic vice.

Appropriate Topics for Submission include, among others: anything that engages with the collective dimensions of epistemic vice, or the relations between vice epistemology and social epistemology. Some indicative questions include:

  • Can collectives be epistemically vicious?
  • Are epistemically vicious collectives substantially different from epistemically vicious individuals, and, if so, how?
  • Are there any exclusively collective epistemic vices?
  • How does attention to collective structures affect our thinking about the nature and significance of epistemic vices?
  • How do proposals for ameliorating epistemic vices look when extended to the collective level?
  • How can vice epistemology and social epistemology enrich, inform, and challenge one another?

Papers in a Topical Collection are not assigned to a special issue of the journal but published in the first available issue of Synthese. The papers are then collected and prominently displayed together on Synthese’s website. Papers in a Topical Collection undergo the same review process as any other submission to Synthese.

Submissions can be made at To be considered for inclusion in the Topical Collection, please select 'T.C. Indeterminacy and Underdetermination' from the drop-down list when asked to 'Select Article Type'.

For further information please see

For further information, please contact the guest editors: [email protected] and [email protected]

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