Gender Ratio in Philosophy: An Inferential-Statistical Model of Possible Determinants
null, Katharina Nieswandt (Concordia University)

March 8, 2022, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Department of Philosophy , Ryerson University, Toronto

350 Victoria St.




WHY ARE WOMEN LESS LIKELY THAN MEN TO STUDY PHILOSOPHY?   Join us for a virtual talk by Dr. Katharina Nieswandt about her recent research study on gender ratio in philosophy. (Zoom link below)
TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 3:00 - 5:00 pm (International Women's Day)

ABSTRACT: About one-third of academic philosophers, from the level of undergraduate student to associate professor, are women. Our joint team of philosophers (Nieswandt, Hlobil) and psychologists (Maranges, Iannuccilli, Dunfield) conducted a series of surveys (n= 467) to investigate why women are less likely than men to study philosophy. We offer a three-factor model of possible determinants.  What sets our study apart from previous investigations is that it provides inferential (rather than merely descriptive) statistics and that it meets current methodological standards of quantitative social research (as regards, e.g., literature review, item validation and sample).

BIO: Katharina Nieswandt is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Concordia University in Montreal, specializing in metaethics and political theory. Her current project is a book, tentatively entitled The Good Life and the Good State, which offers an Aristotelian justification of government and the design of political institutions. She holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of Pittsburgh and a Diplom (= M.Sc.) in psychology from the Universität Trier.

Summary of the study results published on the CPA blog: al-model-of-possible-determinants

Interview about the study results published on the APA blog:


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Sponsored by the Ryerson Department of Philosophy's Committee for Diversity and Inclusion, and the Ryerson Philosophy Course Union.

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