CFP: The Edgar Wind Journal, Volume 3 – Cultural Memory

Submission deadline: September 1, 2022

Topic areas


We invite articles for Volume 3 of The Edgar Wind Journal. The Edgar Wind Journal is a biannual, peer-reviewed and international journal, in open access format. Its focal aim is to promote interdisciplinary and transcultural research and debate on the philosopher and cultural historian Edgar Wind (1900-71) and his themes of enquiry.

The theme of Volume 3 of the Edgar Wind Journal is cultural memory.

In the English introduction to A Bibliography on the Survival of the Classics, Edgar Wind explains Aby Warburg’s notion of memory in the following terms:

It is not sufficient, however, to state the problem of ‘historical memory’ in abstract philosophical terms. It is necessary to observe in detail how that memory actually functions. For this purpose, any historical material might supply a significant group of data. However, the material here selected under the name of the ‘survival of the classics’ must seem of particular relevance to any student – or patient – of European history. The word, ‘survival’, to be sure, is a biological metaphor. When we speak of ‘survival of the classics’, we mean that the symbols created by the ancients continued to assert their power upon subsequent generations; – but what do we mean by the word ‘continue’? Is their significance constantly retained? Or is it not rather forgotten at times, regained and transformed at others? And what are the conditions, what are the effects of ‘forgetting’ and ‘remembering’?

These were the questions that Warburg aimed to answer, to investigate, for example, the way ‘the Olympian gods were revived in the Renaissance as aesthetic ideals’ and the way ‘they came to survive in the Middle Ages as astrological and magical demons’. 

We ask for contributions that address the notion of cultural memory, or social memory, from any perspectives – for example, anthropology, art history, cultural history, philosophy of mind, and psychology.

Articles of 4000-8000 words to be sent to: 

[email protected]

For enquires, please contact: 

[email protected]

Submission deadline for articles: 1st September 2022. If your proposal is received after the above deadline, it may be considered for future issues. Each submission should include a brief abstract of no more than 300 words and five keywords for indexing purposes.

Research articles, review articles, and short communications are invited.

Papers will go through a double blinded peer review process before being accepted for final publication. Articles must be written in English. Submissions must be suitable for blind review. The instructions for authors can be consulted in the journal’s website: ‘Submissions’. 

Expression of interest to submit, including both the title and the abstract of the content, will be greatly appreciated, as it will assist with the coordination and planning of the issue.

For more information about Edgar Wind and The Edgar Wind Journal, please visit:


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