CLE Seminar on Metaphysics
This event is online
- Support: grant #2021/11381-1, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
PRESENTATION (Portuguese and schedule below)
The Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science at the University of Campinas (CLE/UNICAMP) is pleased to announce the CLE Seminar on Metaphysics. The main objective is that we have a permanent, friendly, and informal space so that we can discuss works in progress of metaphysics conceived broadly (metaphysics of logic, metaphysics of science, the epistemology of metaphysics, analytical metaphysics, etc.), in addition to creating bridges between the different institutions from Brazil and abroad. The official languages will be English and Portuguese, depending on the presentation. We will do our best to maintain an inclusive space for any language barriers! Questions can be asked in Portuguese, as they will be translated by the organizing committee. We will also have the ``Captions'' service offered by Google Meet.
The official time of the Seminar is from 17:00 to 18:30 pm (GMT+0), on Wednesdays on the Google Meet permanent link below.
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O Centro de Lógica, Epistemologia e História da Ciência da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (CLE/UNICAMP) tem o prazer de anunciar o Seminário de Metafísica do CLE. O objetivo principal é que tenhamos um espaço permanente, amigável e informal para que possamos discutir trabalhos em andamento de metafísica concebida amplamente (metafísica da lógica, ciência, epistemologia da metafísica, metafísica analítica, etc.), além de criar pontes entre as diferentes instituições do Brasil e do exterior. Os idiomas oficiais serão o inglês e o português, dependendo da apresentação. Faremos o possível para manter um espaço inclusivo para eventuais barreiras linguísticas! As perguntas poderão ser feitas em português, pois serão traduzidas pela comissão organizadora. Também contaremos com o serviço de ``Captions'' oferecido pelo Google Meet.
O horário oficial do Seminário é das 14:00 às 15:30 (GMT-3), às quartas-feiras no link permanente do Google Meet abaixo.
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SCHEDULE (in progress)
- [March 11, 2022] Jamie Taylor (Durham University). Exdurantist growing block theory.
- [March 18, 2022] Giacomo Gianni (London School of Economics). Does Dispositionalism have (grand)daddy issues? Powers, Time Travel, and Necessary Masks.
- [March 30, 2022] Joaquim Giannotti (University of Birmingham). Brutalist Fundamentalism and Naturalistic Metaphysics.
- [April 6, 2022] Eddy Keming Chen (University of California, San Diego). Strong Determinism
- [April 13, 2022] Raoni Arroyo (CLE/UNICAMP) and Valdenor Brito Jr (Federal University of Santa Catarina). Why be a dualist? Quantum mechanics and the `consciousness causes collapse hypothesis'
- [April 20, 2022] Will Morgan (University of Bristol). Does Reduction Entail Identity?
- [April 27, 2022] Break for the VIII International Workshop on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: Quantum Theory and Reality
- [May 4, 2022] Break for the VIII International Workshop on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: Quantum Theory and Reality
- [May 11, 2022] Samuel Kimpton-Nye (University of Bristol). Modal Anti-Realism: The Really Poisoned Pawn
- [June 8, 2022] Giacomo Andreoletti (University of Tyumen). Branching time and desires about the future
- [June 22, 2022] Thomas Kivatinos (Auburn University): Causally Derivative Hierarchical Dependence
- [July 6, 2022] Eddy Keming Chen (University of California, San Diego) and Sheldon Goldstein (Rutgers University): Governing Without A Fundamental Direction of Time: Minimal Primitivism about Laws of Nature
- [August 3, 2022] Miguel Ohnesorge (University of Cambridge). Pluralizing Measurement: Physical Geodesy’s Measurement Problem and its Resolution
- [August 10, 2022] Célia Teixeira (Graduate Program in Logic and Metaphysics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). Rationalism and the a priori