The Global Solidarity Crisis

April 22, 2022 - April 23, 2022

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For some time now, the world has been getting smaller, in the sense that, persons all over the world are more interconnected in more ways than one, and advancements in communication and means of transportation have made it possible to know what is going on at the other side of the world as fast as we would know that our neighbor’s house is on fire. In pre-Covid pandemic times, a lot of people would not even think twice about flying a long distance just to meet a friend or see some exciting tourist spot. It was that easy, and we are hoping that the vaccines will soon do their magic and allow us to travel as much as we used to before.

At the same time, it’s not only all about knowing what is happening “over there” but also being significantly affected by something that is occurring or has occurred so many miles, rivers and land masses away. The world is truly getting smaller not just speculatively, but also practically. Isolation, which is good for keeping a virus away, is not good in terms of many other aspects of human life that are infinitely relevant to our survival and flourishing

It thus becomes very interesting to know what is really happening and what we are supposed to do about it. In this light, we in the Faculty of Philosophy of the Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya have thought that it would be quite enlightening to have an international symposium in order to take a look at the various issues related to this interlaced global situation and to determine how important global solidarity is at this specific moment in human history.

A quick look into the various areas connected with this topic already shows us that we cannot really neatly separate them into independent phenomena for study because they intersect and dovetail with one another. But analysis requires that we at least learn how to identify its facets and differentiate them from one another. An initial review gives us the following main areas where global solidarity issues have cropped up: Health and Medical research, Business and Economics, Socio-Political Issues, Educational Issues, Socio-Cultural Issues and Ethical-Anthropological Issues.

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April 13, 2022, 12:00am +07:00

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