J.J. Rousseau Lecture and Conference
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KEELE-OXFORD-ST ANDREWS KANTIAN (KOSAK) RESEARCH CENTRE (in association with the Keele Forum for Philosophical Research and the Kantian Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research)
Friday, 8 April 2022, 6-7:15pm
Questions about Kant’s Fact of Reason
By Jens Timmermann (University of St. Andrews)
The lecture will be held virtually
Saturday, 9 April 2022, 9:30am-5:30pm
Virtual Events, Keele University
Marie Newhouse (University of Surrey)
Title to be Announced
Kenneth Westphal (Boğaziçi University)
Sympathy, Practical Reasoning and Moral Behaviour
Oliver Sensen (Tulane University)
Kant and Contemporary Critics of Sympathy
Sebastian Orlander (Keele University)
Sympathy in relation to Anthropology
with a response by Jens Timmermann
Papers will discuss aspects of Professor Timmermann’s forthcoming monograph on Kant’s theory of sympathy.
All welcome!
Please contact Dr. Orlander at [email protected] for further details.
Deadline: 7th April 2022
The ‘Rousseau’ Annual Lecture and Conference are organised with the support of the Keele-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian (KOSAK) Research Centre, the School of Social, Political and Global Studies (SPGS)@Keele and the Research Centre for SPGS.
The 'Jean-Jacques Rousseau' Annual Lecture and Conference usually take place at the end of November (occasionally moved on the following year in March). The previous Rousseau Annual Lectures were given by Adrian Moore (2019 – took place in July 2021), Susan Shell (2018), Pauline Kleingeld (2017 - took place in March 2018), Julian Savulescu (2016), Mark Timmons (2015 - took place in March 2016), Howard Williams (2014), Adrian Piper (2013), Alan Montefiore (2012), John Horton (2011 - took place in March 2012), Stephen Engstrom (2010), Miranda Fricker (2009) and Giuseppina D'Oro (2008).
*Why the Jean-Jacques Rousseau lecture? We hereby celebrate the true but very little known fact that Jean-Jacques Rousseau lived for a time in Staffordshire. From 22 March 1766 to 1 May 1767 Rousseau lived in the little Staffordshire village of Wootton. Rousseau had been invited to England by David Hume with whom he soon afterwards quarrelled. He then spent the next year in seclusion in Staffordshire writing the first drafts of his Confessions. When he was not writing it is said that he roamed the Staffordshire countryside in his Armenian costume studying wild flowers. Many years after his departure the locals remembered ‘Owd Ross Hall’, not just for his eccentricities but also for his gifts to local charities. They believed he was a king in exile! (Stephen Leach – Senior Honorary Fellow, Keele Humanities and Social Sciences)
April 7, 2022, 6:00pm BST
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