13th Meeting of ICNAP: Corpus Crisis
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ICNAP XIII: Corpus Crisis
June 1-3,2022
hosted online by
The Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA
Keynote Address
Toward a Critical Phenomenology of Health and Illness
Talia Welsh
(UTAA Distinguished Service Professor, UC Foundation Professor, Department of Philosophy & Religion,
Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)
Featured Panel
Fanon, Phenomenology, and Psychology
Leswin Laubscher (Psychology, Duquesne University)
Derek Hook (Psychology, Duquesne University)
Miraj U. Desai (Psychiatry, Yale University)
Featured Husserliana Speakers and Discussants
Husserl’s Research Manuscript:
“The Paradox of the Psychological Reduction.
The Antinomy of the Psychological Epoché.
The Contradiction Between the Worldliness of the Psychologist and the Psychological World-Epoché, which He Requires Methodologically,” translated by Sebastian Luft
(Registrants will receive an advance copy.)
Michael Barber, (Philosophy, St. Louis University); Philipp Berghofer, (Philosophy, University of Graz); Thiemo Breyer, (Philosophy, Husserl Archives in Cologne); Emanuele Caminada, (Philosophy, Leuven; Husserl-Archives: Centre for Phenomenology and Continental Philosophy); Larry Davidson, (Psychiatry, Yale University); Roberta de Monticelli, (Philosophy, San Raffaele University); Sara Heinämaa, (Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä); Julia Jansen, (Philosophy, Leuven; Husserl-Archives: Centre for Phenomenology and Continental Philosophy); Sebastian Luft, (Philosophy, Marquette University); Tom Nenon, (Philosophy, University of Memphis); Jacob Rump, (Philosophy, Creighton University); Fred Wertz, (Psychology, Fordham University).
The Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists, ICNAP, (https://www.icnap.org) is committed to cultivating and sustaining connections amongst practitioners, teachers, students, and researchers in phenomenology across the disciplines. Founded in 2008 by colleagues from Architecture, Communicology, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology, ICNAP’s annual meetings have been enriched by contributions of colleagues from Education, Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Literature, Musicology, Nursing and Health Care, Social Work, and Psychiatry. We are interested in all iterations of phenomenology and welcome all levels of expertise.
The 13th meeting of ICNAP is generously being hosted online for the second year in a row by The Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center at Duquesne University. The meeting’s grammatically suspect dictum, corpus crisis, is meant in its multiple resonances and acknowledges the world-historical crisis of the pandemic as the background of its thirteenth meeting. Corpus Crisis signals and troubles the body and bodies in phenomenology. It indexes the many disciplines that constitute the phenomenological field and focuses on the question of whose body or what ‘kinds’ of embodiment are included in the phenomenological tradition and practice. Correlatively, corpus crisis signifies the possibility of phenomenology to be more phenomenological; in relation to and in redress of historically-sedimented social and political injustices. To be sure, corpus crisis consciously brings Husserl’s Crisis to mind and echoes with his prescience by way of an invitation to reconsider and specify the contribution of his thought in our time.
ICNAP XIII has crafted three key features to anchor the meeting: a keynote address, a featured panel, and our Husserliana-focused portion of the program. We will also be accepting a limited number of individual papers, panels, workshops, and poster presentations.
While we especially welcome proposals related to the meeting theme, all proposals that are phenomenologically focused or informed will be considered for inclusion in the program. Individual presentations will be organized into panels with 20 minutes allotted to the presentation, with an additional 10 minutes for Q&A.
To submit a proposal for consideration (abstract of 150-250 words with 4 keywords), please complete the form at: https://icnap.org/proposals/ This form will prepare all submissions for blind review.
As notification will be in the first week of May, the deadline for proposals is April 28, 2022
To register for the conference:
Please direct inquiries to Tone Roald, Vice-President, at conference@icnap.org or Athena Colman, ICNAP President, at president@icnap.org
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