What Is Gender? Vol. III: Gender and its Intersections
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Questions about the metaphysics of gender have sparked much debate in philosophy, social and political theory, and feminist theory. From Judith Butler’s performance theory, to Sally Haslanger’s materialist structuralism, to María Lugones’ view of gender as a form of colonial domination, the foundations of contemporary metaphysics of gender invite a wide range of further study. Modern scholarship on these questions is constituted by a rich plurality of ideas. Perhaps Dembroff is right that gender is a hierarchical system of political subjugation which prioritizes “real men”. Or perhaps, as Ásta suggests, it is a context-dependent social status that can be conferred or revoked. Or perhaps, as Jenkins argues, our definition of gender itself is contextual, and depends on the constraints and goals of our theorizing.
Whatever gender is, however, it is clearly not a univocal or unidimensional category. Recent scholarship within philosophy aimed at addressing these issues has drawn attention to the way that gender is co-constructed with other features of identity, including, for example race, class, and sexuality. There is still much work to be done in addressing questions like: what role does self-identification play in constructing gender? In what ways is gender co-constructed with other identities and categories? What are the metaphysics of intersectionality as a theoretical framework and practical reality? These issues deserve careful and collaborative consideration.
The event will be the third in a series of MANCEPT workshops, under variations of the title What Is Gender? The previous workshops were held on Zoom in 2020 and 2021. The third workshop will be held in person, from the 7th-9th of September, 2022, in Manchester, UK. Currently, our confirmed keynotes are Charlotte Witt and Dee Payton.
Registration information to follow.
Rowan Bell
Sofie Vlaad
Katrina Haaksma
Harry Ainscough
August 1, 2022, 9:00am BST
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