2nd Annual Philosophy as a Way of Life Conference
McKenna Hall
Notre Dame 46556
United States
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You're invited to register for the 2nd Annual Philosophy as a Way of Life Conference, held at the University of Notre Dame from August 6-9. Through a generous gift from Mike Wilsey, and the research support of Meghan Sullivan, registration for this conference is free! If you plan on attending, though, be sure to register so that we can ensure enough space for all conference activities (meals, etc). More information about the local area (and updated versions of the conference program as it becomes available) is available at: https://philife.nd.edu/workshop/
The conference will feature presentations and panels highlighting (1) the nature and relevance of PWOL ideas, (2) perspectives on PWOL from diverse philosophical traditions, (3) connections between PWOL and other academic disciplines, and (4) best practices for teaching PWOL courses. Confirmed keynote speakers include the following: Stephen Angle (Wesleyan) Emily Austin (Wake Forest) Caleb Cohoe (MSU Denver) Christian Miller (Wake Forest) Sarah Schnitker (Baylor, Psychology) All faculty and graduate students are welcome.
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