Values as Vectors
Daniel Muñoz (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill), Daniel Muñoz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

May 19, 2022, 4:15pm - 6:15pm
Philosophy Discipline, University of Melbourne

Babel G03 (Lower Theatre)
Babel Building (139)
Melbourne 3010

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Abstract: I defend a new approach to value theory that represents values not as single numbers or intervals, but isntead as many-dimensional vectors. With vectors, we can define Chang’s concept of parity, deepen Rabinowicz’s fitting attitudes account of betterness, and rigorously model failures of transitivity, such as in cases of “sweetening.” The result is a fresh and flexible framework for the stranger side of ethics, based not on sui generis relations, but multidimensional values.

(Note: this talk will not presuppose any formal background. Whatever maths that feature will be explained with intuitive examples, or else banished to appendices!)

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