26th Annual Oxford Graduate Philosophy Conference

November 12, 2022 - November 13, 2022
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford

Lecture Room
Faculty of Philosophy
Oxford OX2 6GG
United Kingdom

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

View the Call For Papers


  • Aristotelian Society
  • Royal Institute of Philosophy
  • Analysis Trust
  • Faculty of Philosophy


Oxford University
London School of Economics


Oxford University
Oxford University
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
University of Oxford
University of Oxford

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We are delighted to announce that the 26th Annual Oxford Graduate Philosophy Conference will take place on Saturday and Sunday 12-13 November 2022 in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Oxford.

Anyone with an interest in philosophy is welcome to attend. If you wish to attend in person, please email [email protected] in advance specifying which talk(s) you plan on attending. 

There is also the option to attend remotely via Zoom using this link: https://zoom.us/j/7842229223?pwd=T1B6dGV3akxnRFNESDN6NEsxOGtRdz09 

Keynote Speakers

Rachel Fraser | The Limits of Ideology Critique
University of Oxford

Jonathan Parry | What’s Wrong with Paternalism?
London School of Economics

Conference Programme

Saturday 12 November

9:00-9:30 | Breakfast and Registration

9:30-10:25 | Slurs as Ideology: A Defence of Prohibitionism
Pepa Mellema (University College Dublin)
Response: Timothy Williamson

10:35-11:30 | Toward a New Theory of Moderate Contingentism
Pranciškus Gricius (Vilnius University)
Response: Adrian Moore

11:40-12:35 | Moral Principles: A Challenge for Deniers of Moral Luck
Anna Nyman (Uppsala University)
Response: Roger Crisp

12:35-13:40 | Lunch

13:40-14:35 | Aristotle on the Logical Relation between the Principles of Non-Contradiction and Excluded Middle in Metaphysics Γ.4
Christopher Izgin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, New York University)
Response: Alexander Bown

14:45-15:40 | Privacy, Knowledge, and Self-Presentation
Cameron McCulloch (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Response: Charlotte Unruh

15:50-16:45 | Two Kinds of Supererogation
Nick Küspert (University of St Andrews)
Response: Anil Gomes

16:45-17:05 | Tea and Coffee

17:05-18:00 | The Wisdom of Live, Laugh, Love: Aesthetically Caused Epistemic Misjudgements and the Banality Objection to Cognitivism
Alice Harberd (University College London)
Response: David Collins

18:10-19:30 | KEYNOTE SPEECH: The Limits of Ideology Critique
Rachel Fraser (University of Oxford)
Followed by Q&A

20:00-22:30 | Conference Dinner

Sunday 13 November

9:00-9:30 | Breakfast and Registration

9:30-10:25 | Trust for Understanding
Adham El Shazly (University of Cambridge)
Response: Bernhard Salow

10:35-11:30 | Perceiving Persistence Conditions
Evan Welchance (University of Virginia)
Response: Nicholas K. Jones

11:40-12:35 | The Evil Demon Meets the Invisible Gorilla
Edvard Avilés-Meza (Cornell University)
Response: Bill Child

12:35-13:40 | Lunch

13:40-14:35 | The Attenuated Authority of Personal Testimony about Disability
Sara Chan Yun Yu (University of Notre Dame)
Response: Guy Kahane

14:45-15:40 | On Aristotle’s Test for Energeia in Metaphysics Θ 6: The Tense-Aspect Reading
Kyoungmin Cho (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Response: Michail Peramatzis

15:50-16:45 | Grounding the Wrong of Colonialism in Self-Respect
Anthony Nguyen (University of Southern California)
Response: David Miller

16:45-17:05 | Tea and Coffee

17:05-18:25 | KEYNOTE SPEECH: What’s Wrong with Paternalism?
Jonathan Parry (London School of Economics)
Followed by Q&A

18:25-20:00 | Wine Reception

The conference programme is subject to change, so please check our website for updates. Breakfast, a light lunch, and tea/coffee will be provided for all conference attendees. More information about the conference can be found on the conference website.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

The Organising Committee for the 26th Annual Oxford Graduate Philosophy Conference

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