CFP: "Emotions and Religious Experience" - a special issue of The Brazilian Journal of The Philosophy of Religion
Submission deadline: August 22, 2022
Topic areas
The Brazilian Journal of The Philosophy of Religion invites submissions to an special issue on "EMOTIONS AND RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE"
Invited editors:
Prof. Dr. Daniel De Luca-Noronha (FAJE)
Dr. Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho (UFMG)
Since William James, philosophers and cognitive psychologists have approached religious experience at face value, that is to say, with relative independence from the specific traditions in which they are manifested. In this approach, emotions play an important explanatory role as they allow us to understand some aspects that are strongly present in these experiences, such as the memorable, transformative and evocative aspects. Furthermore, emotions can also clarify the adherent character of religious belief based on these experiences. Despite the explanatory importance of emotions in this domain, research in this area both in Philosophy and in Psychology is still incipient in Brazil. The purpose of this special issue is to bring together works by researchers worldwide who could contribute to this topic. Some possible topics of submission include, but are not limited to:
- Emotions and the content of religious experience
- Emotional Contagion and Collective Emotions in Shared Religious Experiences
- The relationship between emotion and religious belief
- Cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism in religious emotions
- The role of emotion in religious ritual
- The relationships between emotions, ethics and religious morals
- The content of religious emotions
- Emotions, aesthetic experience, the transcendent and the sublime
- Emotions in specific religious traditions
Submissions must be made through the journal’s website, where authors’ guidelines may also be found:
For further information, please contact felipencarvalho{at] or deluca.11[at]