Russell 150
Splaiul Independenţei nr. 204
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The "Russell 150" conference is organized in partnership between the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest (through its Department for Theoretical Philosophy and the Center for Logic, Philosophy and History of Science) and the Romanian Academy's "Constantin Rădulescu-Motru" Institute of Philosophy and Psychology. The event is scheduled to take place November 4-5, 2022, as an online conference.
Friday, Nov. 4
11.45am Opening
12pm Miroslava Trajkovski (University of Belgrade), Why do we need double negation?
1pm Ludovica Conti (School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia), Russell’s Paradox and Free Logic
2pm Alejandro Estrada (National Autonomous University of Mexico), The Routley set as an ‘ultimate Russell set’ and its consequences for a non-classical meta-theory
3pm Andrei Moldovan (University of Salamanca), The Real Problem with Uniqueness
4pm Greg Lavers (Concordia University), Russell, Gödel and Mathematical Platonism
5pm keynote James Cargile (University of Virginia), Russell's Formal Logic
6pm Gheorghe Ştefanov (University of Bucharest), Russell and Wittgenstein on Negative Facts
7pm Dušan Dožudić (Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb), Frege’s Rejection of Russellian Facts
Saturday, Nov. 5
11am Claudiu Baciu (Romanian Academy), On Russell’s Misunderstanding of Hegel
12pm Nikolay Milkov (Universität Paderborn), Bertrand Russell and the Emergence of the Concept of Truth-making
1pm David Chandler (University College London), Philosophical Scepticism and Private Experience
2pm Constantin Stoenescu, Russell’s view on the method of philosophical analysis before ‘On Denoting’
4pm keynote Angela Mendelovici (Western University), How to Reject the Act-Object Distinction and Be a Russellian Monist
5pm Matteo Baggio (School of Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia), What logical evidence could not be
6pm keynote Mark Sainsbury (University of Texas at Austin), Russellian acquaintance and understanding language
7pm Sorin Costreie (University of Bucharest), Fregean sense and Russelian acquaintance
For those of you who would like to join some of the talks but have overlapping commitments, we will do our best to record the meetings whenever everyone in attendance consents to it, and to then upload the recordings on the Department's YouTube channel. Previous talks are available here:
Event details will also be available, in due course, on the Facebook page: "Seminarul Departamentului de Filosofie Teoretica UniBuc". To register for the conference and receive connection details, please contact [email protected] on or before November 1, 2022.
In the aftermath of the conference, we would enjoy jointly exploring the possibility of publishing its proceedings. More details will be forthcoming at the time.
November 1, 2022, 9:00am EET