Mind the Body: Creativity, Improvisation, and Play in Philosophy & Dance

February 23, 2023 - February 24, 2023
Department of Philosophy & School of Dance, University of Utah

Salt Lake City
United States

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

View the Call For Papers


  • Dee Foundation


Thomas DeFrantz
Northwestern University
CUNY Graduate Center
James Madison University


Eric Handman
University of Utah
University of Warsaw

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February 23rd & 24th, 2023: Salt Lake City Utah @ The University of Utah

The intersection of Dance and Philosophy is a place where mind and body meet. The activity of meaning making through thought and through motion tell parallel stories. Over the course of this conference’s two-day program, philosophers and dancers will come together to investigate these parallels and bridge the distance between them. Through interactive workshops hosted by local dancers, and philosophy talks given our invited speakers, we hope to engage an interdisciplinary conversation surrounding questions like the following:

What does it mean 'to know' something through dance?

How is movement made meaningful?

Where does identity emerge or recede through motion and performance?

What relationship is shared between mind and body to create intelligent and aesthetic products of action?

What is style, how does it evoke meaning, and what can it tell us about ourselves?

What can cognitive models of mind and aesthetic models of movement learn from one another?

We are currently soliciting projects from researchers who work on issues broadly related to the aesthetics and philosophy of dance for this event. Projects may have anything to do with the above questions or related issues. We will also consider pitches for philosophically inspired, motion-based workshops. Invited speakers and workshop hosts will be offered the opportunity to present their work to philosophers and dancers from the local Utah community in addition to our esteemed keynote speakers: Barbara Montero (Notre Dame), and Thomas DeFrantz (Northwestern University).  

Please see our website (under construction) for details as they develop: www.MindtheBody.net

Talks and workshops will be recorded and open to attendance for anyone who provides an RSVP. (Fill out a brief form at the bottom of the website). Select conference proceedings will become available on Youtube after the event concludes.  

In addition to the events of the conference, we also invite all participants to join us in attending the Utah School of Dance’s Gala week performances.

Please email submissions including abstracts or papers of any length to [email protected].

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4 people are attending:

Uppsala University
and 2 more.

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