Folk Intuitions Regarding Psychiatric Diagnosis, Responsibility, and Punishment
null, Jesse Graham

part of: Online Experimental Philosophy Workshop, Season 2, UK X-PHI @ UEA
December 14, 2022, 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Department of Philosophy, University of East Anglia

United Kingdom

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University of Manchester

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We are delighted to announce the next series of our monthly online workshop devoted to discussion of work in progress in experimental philosophy. The UK Experimental Philosophy Workshop, organised by the University of East Anglia (UK X-PHI @ UEA), will be held via Teams, the second Wednesday of each month, 16:00-17:30 UK time. Teams links will always be circulated a day in advance.

To attend and receive the invitation to the online talks please sign up here: If you have registered for a previous series, you don't need to register again.

October 12th, 2022 – Maximilian Thiesen (Heidelberg): Towards a psychological understanding of normative uncertainty (Note on timing, BST is still in effect. The meeting runs 1600-1730 UTC+1)

November 9th, 2022 – Tadeg Quillien (Edinburgh): Counterfactuals and the logic of causal selection (Note on timing, back to UTC)

December 14th, 2022 – Katie Petrozzo and Jesse Graham (Utah): Folk Intuitions Regarding Psychiatric Diagnosis, Responsibility, and Punishment

January 11th, 2023 – Niki Pfeifer (Regensburg): Probability logic as a rationality framework for experimental philosophy 

February 8th, 2023 – Joanna Demaree-Cotton (Oxford) and Ben Phillips (University of Arizona): Dehumanization, the moral self, and distinct types of condemnation

March 8th, 2022 –  David Bordonaba-Plou (Computense): Dual character concepts, concrete features and abstract values: A corpus-based study of the internal structure of SCIENTIFIC (Exceptionally, this one meeting will be 17:00-18:30)

If you have experimental work in progress you would like to present as part of a future series, and for any questions, please contact the organisers Eugen Fischer ([email protected]) and James Andow ([email protected]).

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