Princeton Workshop in Mind & Epistemology

February 18, 2023 - February 19, 2023
Philosophy Department, Princeton University

United States


University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
University of California, Santa Cruz
Yale University
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University
University of California, Riverside


Princeton University

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All are invited to join us for this 2-day workshop at Princeton University. The theme is mind & epistemology.

Some talks will be pre-read, and we ask all participants to read these in advance. Please register here: and find more information here:

Please note: This is an in-person event (there is no Zoom option).

In addition to the speakers listed, Judy Kim (Princeton) and Molly Crockett (Princeton) will also be speaking.

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February 4, 2023, 9:00am EST

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Who is attending?

1 person is attending:

Polish Academy of Sciences (PhD)

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Custom tags:

#philosophy of mind, #epistemology, #philosophy of psychology, #cognitive science