A place for the memory trace
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The Philosophy of Memory Lab (Mem-Lab), together with the Graduate Program in Philosophy at UFSM, invites the academic community to the lecture "A place for the memory trace", to be presented in English by Professor Sarah Robins of the University of Kansas (USA), on January 20 at 4pm (GMT-3), via Google Meet. The registration and attendance to the event are required for a participation certificate. Registration can be made through the link bit.ly/mem-trace.
The philosophy of memory is a constantly growing area of research, weaving fundamental relationships with the other sciences of the human mind - such as cognitive psychology and neuroscience. In her lecture on Jan. 20th, Robins will address a topic that lies at the intersection between these three areas of knowledge - namely, memory traces. Also called "engrams", memory traces are elements that store data about the past for future recall. Thus, professor Robins' talk is of interest not only to philosophy researchers, but also to those who study memory in various fields of knowledge.
Sarah Robins is an internationally renowned expert in memory studies. Her research is influential in many of the major areas related to the ability to remember, such as the nature of memory traces, the distinction between memory and imagination, the causal relationship between past event and present memory, and others. Professor Robins' work has been published in impactful international journals, as well as in collections with researchers from around the world.
With this, we are excited to welcome Professor Robins to a Mem-Lab event and to advance the internationalization of PPG-Fil and UFSM as a whole.
Registration for Robins' talk should be made through the link bit.ly/mem-trace.
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