Lisbon Feminist Philosophy of Mind Workshop

June 14, 2023 - June 15, 2023
Lisbon Mind, Cognition, and Knowledge Group - ArgLab, IFILNOVA, NOVA University of Lisbon


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  • University of Lisbon
  • FCT


Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Universitat de Barcelona
Universität Osnabrück
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of California, Berkeley
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Carleton College
Cambridge University
University of Edinburgh
Laval University
Rutgers - New Brunswick


Universidade Nova de Lisboa
University of California, Santa Cruz

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IFILNova (Lisbon Mind, Cognition, and Knowledge Group and ArgLab) and the MAP Chapter at the University of Lisbon are hosting a workshop on feminist philosophy of mind on June 14-15. The conference will gather philosophers at different career stages, with a focus on early-career researchers, working on topics in feminist philosophy of mind. Esa Diaz-Leon (LOGOS-Barcelona) will deliver the keynote address.

Possible topics include but are not limited to: 

  • The nature of bias and prejudice and their cognitive and perceptual implementation; 

  • The internalization of oppressive social structures;

  • The psychology of social norms;

  • Culture, gender, and the mind; 

  • Gender essentialism and its cognitive implementation;

  • The nature and psychology of social identities; 

  • The role of attention and salience structures in bias; 

  • Feminist approaches to traditional questions in philosophy of mind, such as the mind-body problem; 

  • Feminist critiques of cognitive science;

  • Decolonial and Latinx approaches to philosophy of mind;

  • 4E cognition and feminist philosophy;

  • Feminist phenomenology.

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4 people are attending:

Universitat de Barcelona
University of California, Santa Cruz
and 2 more.

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