CFP: Eidyn Early Career Forum

Submission deadline: September 15, 2013

Conference date(s):
November 27, 2013 - November 28, 2013

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

Eidyn Research Centre for Mind, Knowledge and Normativity, University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Topic areas


On November 27-28, 2013 the Eidyn research centre at the University of Edinburgh will host the Eidyn Early Career Forum, which brings outstanding junior philosophers from around the world to Edinburgh to present their research, meet faculty and students, and engage with members of the general public. The two-day event will feature both an advanced forum for research in philosophy and brief 'TED-style' public talks that demonstrate the continued relevance and interest of philosophy to thoughtful people everywhere. The research workshop on the first day will include presentations, commentary and open discussion. The public talks, held the evening of the second day, will be widely advertised throughout the university, the city of Edinburgh, and to schools in the region. Video podcasts of both events will be made freely available and hosted in perpetuity on the Eidyn website.

Submissions, which should include both a research paper and a proposal for a short-form public talk, are invited from early career philosophers. Research papers should be on any topic within the ambit of Eidyn (epistemology, ethics broadly construed, and philosophy of mind & cognition), and historical approaches to these subject areas are welcome. The public talk should be in the same general area as the research paper and aimed at people interested in philosophy but without any background in the subject.

One paper/proposal in each of epistemology, ethics and mind/cognition will be selected, and speakers will be invited to Edinburgh with all expenses paid.

Eligibility: Submissions are invited from anyone who is either a current PhD student or who received their PhD in or after 2008.

Submission Details: Both the research paper and the public talk proposal should be prepared for blind review with a detachable cover sheet that contains the author’s name, affiliation, contact information, and date of PhD (expected or actual). The research paper may be any length, but should be suitable for presentation in 45 minutes and accompanied by an abstract of about 200 words. The proposal for the public talk should be about 500 words. Submissions should be sent as pdf files to [email protected].

The Public Talk: This is conceived as a compact, riveting presentation to a large public audience. The content is yours to decide, but we assume that the best proposals will treat the task as a design problem – how do you present, in exactly 15 minutes, a philosophical issue, problem or insight that will engage and edify a diverse public audience? Think of it as Philosophy 101 meets the elevator pitch.

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