CFP: Culture and Dialogue 11.2

Submission deadline: September 1, 2023


Culture and Dialogue


An international peer reviewed print and electronic journal

of cross-cultural philosophy and humanities

ISSN 2222-3282


Honorary Member:                   Tzvetan Todorov     1939-2017

Editor in Chief:                          Gerald Cipriani        National Central University, Taiwan

Editor:                                         Martin Ovens           University of Oxford, UK

Associate Editor:                       Loni Reynolds          University of Roehampton, UK

Book Review Editor:                Robert Clarke          Lancaster University, UK

Manuscript Editor                     Kaitlin Sager            Tulane University, USA 



Culture and Dialogue provides a forum for researchers from philosophy as well as other disciplines who study cultural formations dialogically, through comparative analysis, or within the tradition of hermeneutics. The journal publishes one volume of two issues each year. One issue welcomes manuscripts that consider the broad theme of “culture and dialogue” in all its forms, from all perspectives, and through all methods. The other issue is thematic and seeks to bring manuscripts together with a common denominator such as “Philosophy and the Dialogue,” “Art in Conversation,” “Comparing Cultures,” or “Dialogical Ethics.” The theme of the thematic issue is announced through dedicated calls for papers.

For the present issue (11.2, 2023) we welcome manuscripts that address any aspects of cross-cultural philosophy and

humanities from any academic fields, cultural perspectives, or philosophical traditions. 

Submissions to:                                             [email protected]

Notes for Authors:                       

Deadline for Vol. 11, Issue No.2:          1st September 2023

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