SIUCC XXXI: The Argumentative Theory of Reason – From the Social to the Cognitive

April 10, 2024 - April 12, 2024
Universidad de Sevilla

Facultad de Psicología
Sevilla 41018

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities

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This event is available both online and in-person


  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica
  • Universidad de Sevilla
  • Metaprodes-PID2021–124152NB-I00
  • Digi_Morals BBVA
  • Junta de Andalucía EMC21_00266


Institut Jean Nicod


Universidad de Sevilla

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Wednesday 10th April

17.30 Pre-conference Coffee & Pastries

17.45 Welcome Address
Marga Vázquez (SEFA) + Inmaculada Murcia (Dean Faculty of Philosophy)

18.00-19.15 Hugo Mercier (CNRS-IJN-ENS): “The Weirdness of Science”

Thursday 11th April

9.30-10.45 Dan Williams (University of Sussex): “The Marketplace of Misleading Ideas” - Discussant Jesús Zamora Bonilla (UNED & Institute Vienna Circle, Uni Wien)

10.45-12.00 Matteo Michelini (Technical University of Eindhoven and Ruhr University of Bochum): “The Effect of Myside Bias in deliberative settings: a perspective from computational models” - Discussant Nino Guallart (U. Sevilla)

12.00-12.30 Coffee & Pastries Break

12.30-13.45 Thomas Castelain (University of Girona): “Dissociation Between What Convinces Children, and the Reasons They Use to Convince Others” - Discussant Neftalí Villanueva (UGR, Filolab)

13.45-16.00 Lunch + Coffee

16.00-17.15 Nick Byrd (Stevens Institute of Technology): “Socratic Reflection Online 2.0” - Discussant Aida Roige (U. Barcelona)

17.15-18.30 Hugo Mercier (CNRS-IJN-ENS): “Making Science Work”

Friday 12th April

9.30 – 10.45 Maarten Van Dorn (Radboud Universiteit/Central European University): “Is Confirmation Bias a Double-Edged Sword? Reevaluating its Role in the Argumentative Theory of Reason” - Discussant: Manuel Padilla Cruz (U. Sevilla)

10.45-11.15 Coffee & Pastries Break

11.15. 12.30. María Jiménez-Buedo (UNED) & Saúl Pérez-Gonzaléz (University of Valencia): “Evidence for Policy and the Scaffolding of Epistemic Vigilance” - Discussant Julia Sánchez-Dorado (U. Sevilla)

12-30-13.45 Javier Anta (University of Seville): “An Informational Semantics for the Argumentative Theory of Reasoning” - Discussant Lilian Bermejo Luque (UGR, Filolab)

13.45-16.00 Lunch + Coffee

16.00-17.15 Constant Bonard (U. of Bern), Filippo Contesi (U. of Milan) & Teresa Marques (U. of Barcelona): “The Effectiveness of Propaganda” - Discussant Gonzalo Velasco (UC3M)

17.15-18.30 Eric Funkhouser (University of Arkansas): “Belief Signaling, Persuasion, and Manipulation” - Discussant Gloria Andrada (U. NOVA Lisboa)

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About the Inter-University Workshop in Philosophy and Cognitive Science (SIUCC)

The SIUCC annual conference has been organized under the auspices of the SEFA ( since the creation of the society in 1994. Invited speakers are asked to present their papers, which can be new material or a revision of former work. The conference intends to trigger exchange of ideas and scholarly debate through the presentation of about 8 contributions related to any of the philosophical topics of the invited speakers’ work.

This year the workshop will be focused on the work of Hugo Mercier (CNRS-Institut Jean Nicod, Paris).


Recent workshops and keynote speakers have been: XXX, Valencia: José Luis Bermudez; XXIX; Barcelona: Susanna Siegel XXVIII, Granada: Amie Thomasson; XXVII, Vitoria: Elisabeth Camp; XXVI, Madrid: David Velleman; XXV, Valencia: Tim Williamson; XXIV, Valladolid: Jason Stanley; XXIII, Sevilla: Jennifer Hornsby; XXII, San Sebastián: Jesse Prinz; XXI, Granada: Jaakko Hintikka; XX, Barcelona: Crispin Wright; XIX, Zaragoza: Ernest Sosa; XVIII, Madrid: John Perry.

This XXXI edition will take place at the Universidad de Sevilla, hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy/Faculty of Psychology building), in April 10th-12th, 2024.

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March 31, 2024, 10:00pm CET

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Universidad de Sevilla

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Geisinger College of Health Sciences

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