Voicing disagreement in science: Missing women
David Klinowski

October 3, 2023, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
The Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

1117 Cathedral of Learning
University of Pittsburgh, 4200 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh 15213
United States

This event is available both online and in-person


University of Pittsburgh


LTT - David Klinowski

Title: Voicing disagreement in science: Missing women


This paper examines the authorship of post-publication criticisms in the scientific literature, with a focus on gender differences. Bibliometrics from journals in the natural and social sciences show that comments that criticize or correct a published study are 20-40% less likely than regular papers to have a female author. In preprints in the life sciences, prior to peer review, women are missing by 20-40% in failed replications compared to regular papers, but are not missing in successful replications. In an experiment, I then find large gender differences in willingness to point out and penalize a mistake in someone’s work.

This talk will also be available live streamed on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrRp47ZMXD7NXO3a9Gyh2sg.

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