CFP: Kinds of Consciousness
Submission deadline: December 1, 2023
Conference date(s):
February 10, 2024
Consciousness has long been a topic of deep philosophical and scientific concern, leading to debates concerning its nature, origins, and underlying mechanisms. The aim of “Kinds of Consciousness” – to be held online on Sat Feb 10, 2024 – is to foster interdisciplinary discussions on the various types or kinds of consciousness that have intrigued philosophers, neuroscientists, psychologists, and cognitive scientists, among others. We encourage contributions that discuss consciousness from a variety of perspectives. Below are some examples of potential topics (in no particular order):
– Split-Brain cases
– The relationship between consciousness and self-awareness – Animal consciousness and comparisons with human consciousness
– Consciousness, intentionality, and perception
– The nature of subjective experience
– Theories of consciousness
– The neuroscience of consciousness
– Altered states of consciousness
– Collective or 'group' consciousness
Submission Guidelines
We invite abstracts – roughly 1,000 words, excluding references – of short papers, suitable for a 30 min presentation, by graduate students and postdocs. Presenters will be asked to send a recording of their talks in advance. The videos should not exceed 20 mins to allow for 10 min discussion. The papers should be relatively accessible to an interdisciplinary audience and avoid overly technical discussions of ‘in-house’ issues/debates.
Abstracts should be prepared for blind review and include the title of the paper; they should make clear both the topic and the main arguments of the paper. Please send a separate cover sheet with the title of the paper, author’s name, affiliation (if any), and contact information.
Abstracts+cover sheets should be sent to Aliyar Ozercan ([email protected]) by December 1 (midnight). Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than January 10.