CFP: Alternative models of the mind

Submission deadline: January 15, 2014

Conference date(s):
October 23, 2014 - October 25, 2014

Go to the conference's page

Conference Venue:

University of Memphis
Memphis, United States

Topic areas


Call for graduate student and postdoc papers or posters   A limited number of bursaries are available to provide partial support/reimbursement of travel costs to the conference for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in philosophy thanks to a Humboldt Foundation Anneliese Maier Research Award. Please indicate whether your submission should be considered in the category of paper or poster or both.

Participants at the 33rd annual Spindel Conference will explore philosophical issues concerning notions of intentionality, representation, externalism, and the causal or constitutive roles of affect and affordance, brain and body, tools and technologies with respect to consciousness and cognition. The conference will provide a forum where representatives of different, dissenting, and sometimes conflicting models in the phenomenology and philosophy of mind are brought together to debate these issues.  

Proposals should address the following questions/issues. What implications follow for the way we think of minds from the idea that minds are embodied, ecologically embedded, enactive, extended, emotive, empathic, etc.? How should we conceive of the mind on these alternatives to Cartesian or computational models?

Keynote speakers:

Louise Barrett (University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada)
Andy Clark (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Alva Noë (UC Berkeley, USA)
Evan Thompson (University of British Columbia, Canada)  

Invited participants:

Kristin Andrews (York University, Toronto, Canada)
Ken Aizawa (Rutgers University, Newark, USA)
Daniel Hutto (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Barbara Montero (CUNY Graduate School, USA)
Richard Menary (Macquarie University, Australia)
Albert Newen (Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany)
Mark Rowlands (University of Miami, USA)
Mike Wheeler (Stirling University, Scotland) Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)  

Submission deadline 15 January 2014   Please send abstracts/proposals (approx. 300-500 words in English; doc or pdf format) to the conference organizer, Shaun Gallagher, at [email protected] -- Subject line: Spindel -- with the following information: Name: Affiliation: Graduate student or postdoc Indicate whether submission is for poster, paper, or both. Papers should be 20 minutes presentation time; poster presentations will include a 2-minute preview presentation using PowerPoint or other presentation software.

Conference organizer, Shaun Gallagher [email protected]

Supporting material

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