Talk Hélène Lœvenbruck: Condensation, Dialogality, Intentionality and Agency in Various Endophasia Situations: Aphantasia, Voice Hearing, Rumination, Aphasia, Augmentative and Alternative CommunicationHélène Lœvenbruck
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We are pleased to announce that starting in April, the online Inner Speech Colloquium will once again be taking place on a monthly basis, hosting speakers working on inner speech from a range of disciplinary perspectives.
Our first speaker is Hélène Lœvenbruck (Université Grenoble Alpes), a leading expert on the neural underpinnings of (inner) speech production. She will be giving a talk titled: “Condensation, Dialogality, Intentionality and Agency in various endophasia situations: aphantasia, voice hearing, rumination, aphasia, Augmentative and Alternative Communication''. We hope to see many of you there.
If you would like to receive reminders and information about future speakers or short term changes to the programme, please write us a short email ([email protected]) so that we can put you on the mailing list.
Practical Information
Time and date: 11-04-24, 15:00-16:30 CET
Location: online
Microsoft Teams link:
Meeting ID: 393 134 916 704
Passcode: HuuSfi
If questions arise, please contact [email protected]
Best regards,
Mathijs Geurts, Francesco Fanti Rovetta, Jonida Kodra & Daniel Müller
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