NZAP Annual Conference 2024

December 2, 2024 - December 5, 2024
Philosophy Programme , University of Otago

New Zealand

This will be an accessible event, including organized related activities


University of Otago
University of Otago

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Association of Philosophers in Aotearoa New Zealand

NZAP Annual Conference 2024

University of Otago

Dunedin, New Zealand

2-5 December

Call for Abstracts

We welcome abstracts of 150-200 words in all areas of philosophy. Single paper presentations will be scheduled for 55 minutes, with 30-35 minutes for presentation and the remainder for discussion.

We are happy to consider author meets critics and multi-author panel sessions. For these sessions, please submit an abstract of 250-350 words, and please include the names of all speakers for the session. Three speaker sessions will run for 2 hours and can have a variety of formats.

Please send abstracts with title, name, and affiliation (if any) by email to Michael LeBuffe: [email protected] . Please allow two weeks after abstract submission for a decision.

Deadline for abstracts: 15 October, 2024

Registration information to follow.

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November 1, 2024, 9:00am NZST

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